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BLUEGRASS EN MORVAN May 23 - 25 2025 : jams, workshops, concert, open mic... Save the date! Registration opens Sunday January 19.

Christmas Bluegrass & Old Time Open Mic


This post is available in  French or  English.

The French Christmas Open Mic
 The French Christmas Open Mic 

42 856.

Remember, it's not that far away, even if it refers to words that don't make you smile, like pandemic or confinement.

Yes, the atmosphere was not happy, and the playing opportunities had fallen to zero. To keep the flame burning, and keep on sharing music, Philippe & Ti' Pierre organized and hosted 13 editions of Open Mics for France Bluegrass, from December 2020 to June 2021.

Although nobody was used to this sort of thing then, it worked, as shown by the 42.856 views totalized by the 13 editions.

It was a great pleasure to see very amateur musicians dare to participate, young people aged 12 and 14, as well as established bands like Sweet River Band or The Dusty Millers, as well as having participants from California, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

We were often asked, "Do you plan new Open Mics again?" We thought, until now, that it was a little off-topic, the brunt of the pandemic being behind us.

But now, remembering the good memories, and as it is really fun and motivating...


With Gilles Rézard's BLuegrass Schoold, the Bluegrass In La Roche festival, l'Armadelle Bluegrass & Old Time Center, Kids On Bluegrass Europe & Jam Hall, we invite you to this warm musical moment, wherever you are.

  > > >  Infos , details and registration this way !   < < <  

Ron Stevenson & Nancy, du New Jersey. - Jam Hall
Ron Stevenson & Nancy, du New Jersey.
Un très beau set de Ross Mc Kerrell. - Jam Hall
Un très beau set de Ross Mc Kerrell.
Philippe Loiseau, en direct de La Réunion, abrité mais sous une pluie torrentielle. - Jam Hall
Philippe Loiseau, en direct de La Réunion, abrité mais sous une pluie torrentielle.

What are your plans for Friday evening December 22nd?


Open Mic from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.!

But this time, it's collective!

It is therefore a collaboration with:

  1. Jam Hall,
  2. L'École Bluegrass de Gilles Rézard.
  3. Bluegrass In La Roche.
  4. L'Armadelle, bluegrass & Old Time center.
  5. Kids On Bluegrass Europe.

Whether you attend one of these structures or not, you are welcome to participate, whatever your age or where you come from of course, in Europe or elsewhere. Solo, duo, band, organize your participation as you wish.

How it works

It worked pretty well with Facebook, so we'll do the same. There is a group, currently inactive. You can join, but post nothing yet.Before

You have plenty of time to set up a repertoire of 4 songs or instrumentals, no more. The slots will be 15 minutes, and it is out of the question to exceed. Respect for the next musicians.

By appointment call in advance (not at the last minute), we will let you try and guide you through the platform. It's essential but easy, you just need to specify a few things to Facebook. A simple smartphone is enough. And a minimal-quality connection, of course.

The very day

You start and stop your broadcast yourself, from your device, and at the time precisely assigned. Phone or computer if you master it, but based on previous experiences, computers sometimes added troubles.

You play, and the public can comment live.

At the end, you must tell Facebook if you want your service to be kept, at least for a while. Otherwise, it will be destroyed. Yes, you have to keep it to share it later, and for people to be able to see it offline (previous editions had more views offline).

Please note: some had chosen to use sound systems. It was often a bad idea, bringing more problems than benefits. Do it only if you really master your sound system. The aim is not to mess with your latest mixer but to play music. Smartphones did well; the integrated sound limiter systems fulfilled their role well.


The next days offer the opportunity to broadcast the link of your performance, which means most spectators.

As promoters of this event, we have only one wish. May this initiative find its audience, so it makes us eager to do it again!

Stay tuned for registration opening.

Sweet River Band - Jam Hall
Sweet River Band
Christopher Howard-Williams, quelques chansons... du Grateful Dead. - Jam Hall
Christopher Howard-Williams, quelques chansons... du Grateful Dead.
Benjamin Leheu avait assemblé un très beau fond de scène. - Jam Hall
Benjamin Leheu avait assemblé un très beau fond de scène.

Iconoclastic Frequently Asked Questions

- Does it hurt?
No, not at all. And even if there are one or two wrong notes, who cares? We are a small community. The joy of getting together and doing something together prevails over everything.

- How much should I pay for this?
Nothing at all, of course.

- What can we play?
Old Time, Bluegrass, Americana, Folk... There might be a touch of Celtic or Cajun, but that's not the main focus.
Besides, if you go for sub-hard-punk-alternative-toilet-rock, we can cut you live (daemon smiley, but I don't know how to write it).

- Why just 15-minute spots?
Experience has shown that it is sufficient, quite enough for the first-timers, and more lively for the live audience. But we may consider things differently for another time if needed.

- Do I have to speak French?
No. Of course, everybody will like a "bonjour" or "mon nom est...". But we will understand a few words in English, and the main thing is music. And why not teach us a few music words in your language?

- Is it technically complicated?
No, but the preliminary test is essential. If Facebook provides this type of service quite well and easily, you must experience it first, at least once. And it is even better if somebody can handle the manipulations for you. Then you just have to care about your music.

- Is it well paid? Are you making money on our backs?
1. Nothing at all! 2. Nothing at all!

- Do I have to be a member of one of these organizations to participate?
No, it's not necessary. But it is welcome if you think it useful to support our projects. You may also discover Rézard's Bluegrass School, the excellent Bluegrass In La Roche festival, the Kids On Bluegrass Europe project, or l'Armadelle Bluegrass & Old Time Center.

- Why are you selling your souls to a cynical multinational corporation instead of renting video servers yourself for just a few thousand euros?
Dear reader, we accept your donation. Contact us directly to receive our bank account information.


Un désistement de dernière minute et hop, on a monté un set avec quelques jeunes.  - Jam Hall
Un désistement de dernière minute et hop, on a monté un set avec quelques jeunes.
Susan Lembo, aussi du New Jersey. - Jam Hall
Susan Lembo, aussi du New Jersey.
Alain Kempf qui, entre autres, avait rejoué le légendaire solo de contrebasse de Grandfather's Clock. - Jam Hall
Alain Kempf qui, entre autres, avait rejoué le légendaire solo de contrebasse de Grandfather's Clock.

Article rédigé par Ti' Pierre & Philippe Boutet

2022 - 2021 participants

Yves Savariaud, Richard Metz, Pierre Bastide, Benjamin Leheu, Jeff Cottes, Hank Skinner, Valérie, Solange Delle, Philippe Boutet,  Armelle & Guy Trioreau, Ross McKerrell, Philippe Loiseau, Christopher H. Williams, Nat Tournier, Catherine Colleu & Friends, Ti' Pierre, Ross McKerrell, Nadia Sardjoe, Jean-Louis Girard, Gérard Florquin & Friends, Alain Kempf, Thomas Marinello, Stefan Curl, Jean-Noël Delors, Ron Stevenson, Alain Polet & Mary, Roger Hoedrich, Nat & Ti' Pierre, Jeepee Dee, Christian Labonne, Patoch Ongle Grinçant, Denise Warren, Réjane Lechat, Jeff Cottes & Clémentin, Susan Lembo, Alice Fruleux, Yannick Obergfell, Lost Dead Moving Spaghetti, Anne-marie & Louis, The Bout's Family, The Dusty Millers, Anaïs & Romane, Chanteur Imaginaire, Sweet River Band, Isabelle Pouzet, Benjamin Leheu, Fiddle Leaves, Marlène Girardi, JeePee Dee, Daisy Belle.

Pictures are from the France Bluegrass Open Mics. These sessions were created and managed by Philippe Boutet & Ti' Pierre in 2020 et 2021.



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Vous aimez le Bluegrass, l'Old Time, l'Americana.
Vous aimeriez que ces musiques et leurs valeurs soient plus représentées

Rejoignez-nous en adhérant,
et agissons tous ensemble.